So it's been considerably less crazy after the shit year. This is how my typical week looks like for this semester:
M- PE class 7am. MCAT 9am until God knows when
T- Tutor 8:30-10. MCAT again. Class 2-3:15. Eat. Slack off. Class 7-9:15pm. Pass out.
W- Repeat Monday. Add research lab 10-5pm. Then MCAT until I don't know.
Th- Research 10-1. Class 2-3:15. MCAT until whenever.
F- Tutor 8:30- 11. Research until 5pm. Work 6pm until next day.
Sat- Get off work, sleep. Study when I wake up.
Sun- Sleep-in. Dim sum. Study.
Then lots of gym and basketball and leisure reading in between. So far, I've read the following books (since the semester started):
"The Game" by Neil Strauss
"The Art of War" by Sun Tzu
"The Checklist Manifesto" by Atul Gawande
And I have a "pending list" of books to be enjoyed:
1. Hitler's Pope
2. The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat
3. Body of Work
4. Blink
5. Freakonomics
6. Outliers
That's all.