Only two more weeks left in school. It's definitely crunchtime! So how does my semester look like at this point? It's horrible! I'm all borderline A's in my classes and it so happened that all my classes are graded on a curve- at this point, no one really knows (no one in all of my classes) whether they're having a guaranteed A or a guaranteed bad Christmas break...
It's really depressing (or better put, demoralizing) to see that all your hard work, I mean real hardcore work, might all go to waste in the end. As Cathy Jalali, one of the most influential persons to me and to the adcoms at UCLA-Drew, told me- "just finish strong". So I am trying really really hard to finish strong. Shiiiiiet.
How does my real life look like at this point in the academic year? Equally horrible! I am being raped by my non-academic life as much as school does. It's getting busier at work with stupider (If that's grammatically incorrect, whatever. It's how I feel) shit. Bills and debts tend to interact with my funds in quite an inverse proportional manner. My car is dirty as fuck. My hamper is literally puking out my clothes. My girlfriend is no longer my...girlfriend (but I'm okay though- life's been kind to me at least at this aspect). My cell phone is broken and I wanna destroy it further...physically.
I guess my break is over. I gotta stop the whining and start studying in a few.
It's the homestretch...gotta gun it or die.
Adventures of a 4th Year: Episode 3 by Tiffany Chan
8 months ago
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