I guess it's that time of the year!
NO, I AM NOT TALKING ABOUT CHRISTMAS. It's finals week! Hence the rather unpleasant looking face to the right. Or anatomical left.
THE STAKES ARE HIGH, BUT THE REWARDS ARE GREAT. Yeah, yeah. Fuck my life at this point but if I do really good, it's gonna be on the transcript. Hopefully A's this semester then I tell everyone to go screw themselves while I isolate myself to sleep. Or maybe hibernate.
SURPRISINGLY, I AM NOW ENTERING THAT VICIOUS CYCLE AGAIN! No, it's not drugs, you idiot. Why do I always...always...always effin get attracted to a girl(s) during the most unexpected and (academically) inappropriate times? Now really, fuck my life. Happens everytime. Hard to get it over with but oh well. It's a normal psychological response, and it's perfectly biological. It does suck though because it's a roller coaster. Whatever that means.
I CAN'T STOP TYPING!!! I HAVE TO STUDY! I SAID I WAS GONNA STUDY A FEW MINUTES AGO! Help! Someone gimme a call and tell me to stop this and go study or shoot myself!!!
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