"I stared at my schedule. Hmmm...classes M-F. Then study afterwards. Then I work F and S, 6pm to 6am. Oh wait where do I put in my tutoring hours? Friday afternoon looks okay. Oh so that means I'm gonna be in school M-F before 8am (because parking sucks in the morning) until about 5pm (except Monday, I get off at 2...woohoo!). Dammit. This is pretty packed. I forgot I have to put in sleep time and extra study time. Oh and maybe some time for basketball. Read a non-school book. Or just jog. Holy cow. Whatever, it's okay...gotta go to med school, right?"
While I was thinking about the whole thing, another Reinier, in a cosmos that is just exactly like earth but perhaps a gazillion galaxies away, was saying something similar.
"I stared at my schedule. Oh, I have class only on mondays and wednesdays. Oh and guess what, I'm gonna be in school from 12-5 only. And I just won the lottery, so I'm not gonna work anymore. What should I do with all my free time? I'll probably sleep in everyday, oh but I gotta get an apartment a mile away from school, then walk to class, sleep in class, pay my teachers so I'd get all A's. Oh and after that? I'm gonna study...not. I'll join the eta theta epsilon gamma beta fraternity! I'll drink a lot and get hammered and bang sorority girls. Not just one, but maybe two or three...a night. Oh and I won't tell my girlfriend(s) about it. Then maybe I'll surf. Spend time at Frog's fitness. Workout, get buff, and hit on the hot girls. Did I pack my schedule yet? Hmmm...so M-Su drink, M-Su frat parties, M-Su sleep in, M-Su freetime. And M and W school. Gotta be a combined art history/accounting/marketing major, right?
Then I realized that the whole Reinier thing in another cosmos was just impossible and stupid. So I just looked at my schedule again, sighed, and entered PH2-110. It's Physics time.
Adventures of a 4th Year: Episode 3 by Tiffany Chan
8 months ago
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