readreinier- premedical student: life outside the lecture hall...guaranteed

See how a portion of my brain works as I spill out my insights, emotions, ideas, accounts, and randomness into this creative writing outlet.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Status Update

So it's been considerably less crazy after the shit year. This is how my typical week looks like for this semester:

M- PE class 7am. MCAT 9am until God knows when
T- Tutor 8:30-10. MCAT again. Class 2-3:15. Eat. Slack off. Class 7-9:15pm. Pass out.
W- Repeat Monday. Add research lab 10-5pm. Then MCAT until I don't know.
Th- Research 10-1. Class 2-3:15. MCAT until whenever.
F- Tutor 8:30- 11. Research until 5pm. Work 6pm until next day.
Sat- Get off work, sleep. Study when I wake up.
Sun- Sleep-in. Dim sum. Study.

Then lots of gym and basketball and leisure reading in between. So far, I've read the following books (since the semester started):

"The Game" by Neil Strauss
"The Art of War" by Sun Tzu
"The Checklist Manifesto" by Atul Gawande

And I have a "pending list" of books to be enjoyed:
1. Hitler's Pope
2. The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat
3. Body of Work
4. Blink
5. Freakonomics
6. Outliers

That's all.

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