Here I am whining again. It's friday, halloween. I think I should be having fun tonight- probably kick it with my hommies at the Thirsty Isle or go to this party I was invited to at Riverside. It seems apparent that I would not be getting home tipsy tonight, much to my dismay. My planner has dictated so. So what does my halloween look like?
This morning I came to school early and I tutored. I was waiting for people who needed help but no one came during my scheduled hours. I decided to stay for a little bit. A few minutes later, I got three girls asking about GChem (which, by the way, I am glad at- they were actually doing their job in school: homework) and my classmate in biostatistics benefiting from my notes. Nice. Although I stayed overtime, I didn't mind. It felt great helping out.
I decided to come home to eat lunch and take a nap. I didn't want to spend another $7 on subway on campus. I woke up before 2pm and I drove back to campus at a speed that is against the law. Cerritos to Long Beach State in less than 15 minutes. Not lying at all.
I started doing my assigned task in lab- dissecting and staining fly ovaries with antibodies. Man, this thing is whack. It takes you about two days to finish the whole thing. That's bench science and research- you do really time-consuming, tedious things only to find out that the whole plan did not work out. I still have to wait til monday to find out how this procedure worked out. I'm glad though- I am turrning from a lab tech to a real scientist.
I am writing this while waiting for my dissected fly ovaries to get saturated in some solution not known to the populace.
And after this ( I have about 2 hrs left before I finish- that's about 7:20pm), I will head out and go home. Not to prepare for any party or whatnot, but to work on my physics extra credit problems. I bombed my exam yesterday- I'm keen on doing anything to get an A in that class. And I am desperate. Oh, I need to finish my Kaplan MCAT Scholarship application too. And I gotta jog and workout. And maybe eat. Or scare trick-or-treaters. And some sleep, perhaps? I gotta wake up tomorrow early to finish this project in lab.
That's halloween for me. Yes, I know. It sucks to be me. It's sad. But whatever. I strongly believe that all these tons of bull will payoff in the end. Whatever.
Adventures of a 4th Year: Episode 3 by Tiffany Chan
8 months ago
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