Meet my study and non-study buddies Carlisle (big pinoy guy) and Sam (korean dressed as a mormon for halloween). We all went to UCLA together for smdep. Carlisle lived right next to my suite and Sam lived across the hall. We all spend long hours studying at the University library and we all wanna be doctors. Carlisle is an aspiring dentist. Not sure which specialization still. Sam is pondering ER or neurosurgery. And the guy with the driver wants to be an orthopod. Carlisle is about to transfer to UC Berkeley, while Sam and I are to remain at Cal State Long Beach.
Yes, our lives right now may be sucky relative to the regular college guy but one of these days you may present to a medical center with a broken jaw, a brain tumor, or a broken thigh bone and don't be surprised if one of us will be that person who will make you better.
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