It's almost mid-October, and it's time for another event for our Science Enrichment Program Freshmen. The admin planned a movie night for them last night and the mechanics were: 1. Bring a movie. 2. We all vote. 3. This is democracy. We watch what the majority wishes.
I think it was Monday afternoon when I was doing my usual half-asleep study cum lunch break at the Science Center when a co-peer mentor asked me if I was gonna come on Thursday night. I told her, "Only if you bring SAW II". Apparently she didn't pick up on my humor and she actually brought it to the movie night.
Who wants to see a gory, scary movie with pizza and walk back to the dimly-lit campus parking lots afterwards? Probably no one. Science Freshmen are probably dorky cowards anyway. Would expect to see a movie that rivals Barney or Spongebob... It was just a joke, after all.
The effin freshmen voted for Saw II.
Outcome: three of my co-mentors/tutors took off-they couldn't stand it...And I had fun seeing their reactions. I was trying to hide my laughter like an abdominal aortic aneurysm waiting to rupture while they, one by one, gave me their rationale and excuses as I pass them by on the way to the lecture hall where the movie was being played. I had fun sitting at the back of the hall watching the variety of reactions among the freshies ranging from sheer boredom to psychological trauma. Such a joke turned into a memorable experience in the sense that the whole thing will be immortalized in the Science Enrichment Program Records... And I went home laughing my ass off.
Adventures of a 4th Year: Episode 3 by Tiffany Chan
8 months ago
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