Spring semester! Just thought I'd share some tips...
Start fishing for research labs this semester. Email a number of professors that fit your interests. There will be lab space for the summer and fall- undergrads graduating and masters students finishing up on their thesis. You don't have to start this summer right away...Just get your foot in the door.
Study systematically. You think taking biostats, ochem, and bio is too much? Not really. If you have a set routine and if you know how to prioritize, chances are you'll be able to finish your dreaded tasks and homeworks on time. Learn to review your notes right after class as you'll forget most of it at the end of the day. Studying in bits and chunks will save you from cramming and eventually bombing your exams. You wanna get A's, correct? You wanna make up for the horrible C in ochem last term, right? You wanna get into med school, right?
Oh, get some sleep before your exams. Makes you think clearly and more efficiently. DON'T YOU STAY UP THE ENTIRE NIGHT. Why? Read the paragraph again.
Always psyche yourself into doing great on exams/quizzes/etc. Never underestimate this. It yields good things.
Visualize you future. Looking at the big picture just helps you stay on track. Focus on the long-term while working your way through the short-term.
Don't settle for anything less than you deserve. Get out of your comfort zone. Go for something better. Always. Power through.
Hang out with like-minded people. Select a few that you'll stick to through thick and thin. These people will be your lifelong friends and colleagues.
Pray. It works.
Adventures of a 4th Year: Episode 3 by Tiffany Chan
8 months ago
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