Due to my good friend's persistent request for recognition of her unparalleled devotion to a canine being named Balou, I decided to post a couple pictures of the revered being, one with the rightful owner in it sharing a moment with it.
Miriam and Balou have their own love story. They lived most of their lives together in Seattle, reenacted the movie "Sleepless in Seattle" quite a number of times, they had coffee together (of course.) and they sleep in the same room. Unfortunately, Balou is a chihuahua. And Miriam had to leave Balou for this stupid thing called college. The good thing is, she is away from Balou in a very predictable manner, and they get to reunite everytime the warzone (university) ceases to operate (winter and summer).
As stable as this unity is, there is one big barrier to their relationship (aside the obvious human-canine mating barriers discussed in biology and, perhaps, psychiatry)- Miriam does not know where she would end up for medical school. Lucky if gets in and decides to attend the University of Washington. This is a logistically feasible setup, with only a few miles away from each other and a car/train/bus ride away. But what if she gets in to the prestigious Washington University in St. Louis? at her alma mater USC?
This is indeed a great story to follow. I do hope that everything turns out for the best.